Faith is a living word. Faith is active and all of us have a deposit of faith to believe. Faith can be defined as trust. It can also be a gift. Abraham by faith believed God and it was counted as righteousness to him. We too come to God by faith and believe He is our Saviour. Faith has many layers. There is child like faith. There is mature faith. There is faith like a mustard seed that can move mountains. We need faith to believe in God. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is. Faith is substance and evidence of what we do not see and hope for. We have it before we see it. There are many examples of the people of faith doing exploits for God. The woman in the Bible who had a bleeding disorder, had faith that she would be healed if she just touched the shawl of Jesus. She was healed and Jesus felt the power leave Him.
We too need faith to receive all that God has planned for us. We receive all things by faith. There is no other way to please God. We cannot grow in faith by good works. We have to trust God in everything. God is a loving Father and He wants to give us good things. The way to access the benefits of heaven is to ask by faith. Once we have asked it is settled and we wait till we receive it. We must continue to believe we have it and not doubt. This is living by faith in action. Our faith is active and grows as we walk in it. Like a bud it begins and then the full bloom occurs.
Faith that says”I got it” believes in the finished work. Jesus said on the Cross, “It is finished”. This means what He came to do He had done. So also faith believes that what we ask is done. Jesus said we can ask anything in His name and we will have it. I am believing for a new pancreas and believe I have got it. I now wait for the manifestation of it. It could be to-day or in a few weeks or months. I will wait in faith till I see it manifested in my body. Till then I will praise the Lord for a new pancreas. Today let us operate in faith and believe that whatever we ask according to His will is ours.