God created us in His image. This means that we carry in us the divine design that reflects His personality and gifts. God’s attributes are the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, patience, gentleness and self-control. We are to grow in these characteristics to supplement our faith. Without these additions to our faith we are but a clanging cymbal and a noisy gong, or a cloud with no rain. Many in these days go after the gifts as if they are emblems of God’s presence and favour. However these can be just a show and when trouble comes such people fail. Only our Godly character can withstand troubled times. Our gifts are only for a season and will disappear when we go to heaven. In His presence there is no need for gifts. In His glorious presence He is all in all.
Character is not automatic. This is to do with maturity. Our character matures as we practice God’s attributes in our relationships with others. Jesus commanded that we love our enemies. How is this possible when we have difficulty loving our family and friends? This is only possible by the Spirit. His Spirit in us enables us to operate in the gifts and also the fruit of the Spirit. However we need to be submissive to Him. This means we have to surrender our will to His will in all areas of our lives. Sunday Christianity will not do. Only a surrendered life will do.
We either choose to walk according to our flesh or according to the Spirit. The world cannot do this as they do not have the Spirit of Christ. We can do this because we are born again in the spirit and have His Spirit within us. In these last days there will be a separation of the wheat from the tares. Light and darkness will be more obvious, and there will be no place for compromise. Therefore, we will be either radical for Christ or against Him. I choose to be radical for Him. What about you?