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By July 21, 2024No Comments

Apply yourself to His Word and to prayer and see your life blossom. His Word is the key to entrance into the holy of holies. His Word has the power to change hearts. The holy of holies symbolizes the heart. The outer court is the soul. When you remain in the outer court you will struggle to get near to God. It is in the holy of holies that God is present. It is like visiting your friend but remaining outside his house. When you enter the home, you really feel the difference. God wants you to commune with Him inside the house where He dwells. Outside the house is only for people who want to see what is happening and not be part of what is happening. One is a spectator and the other is a participant. Close communion with Jesus is the only way to live an abundant life. Inside the house, you will operate in the spirit, not the flesh. When you operate in the spirit your walk and your talk are in a different dimension. This is a daily walk. As long as you are in the spirit you are protected from the flesh and the devil. Therefore choose to be filled in the Spirit and to walk by the Spirit.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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