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Manifestations Of The Flesh And Manifestations Of The Spirit

By April 23, 2022No Comments


We manifest what is within us. When we walk in the flesh we will manifest the works of the flesh like sexual immorality, jealousy, pride etc.  When we walk in the Spirit we manifest the works of the Spirit like love, joy, peace etc. We know what we are walking in by the works we manifest. Therefore one way to discern is to see what fruits we are manifesting in our lives. If we are always struggling with impure thoughts then surely it is not of the spirit. We must judge ourselves otherwise we will be judged. This maybe a key for many to repent and change their ways and walk according to the Holy Spirit.


Our spirit is at enmity with our flesh. There is a war going on within us. Our will decides who we will listen to and follow. If we follow the desires of our flesh then we will manifest our fleshly desires. No wonder many feel trapped in their sin. The way out of this dilemma is to walk according to the Spirit. In the Spirit we will manifest the fruits of the Spirit. We will feel His love and peace and joy. The more we walk according to the Spirit the more we become fruitful and useful to others. Ministry is birthed in the Spirit. However what we see in churches today is works of the flesh rather than works of the Spirit.


This sad state of affairs can only be reversed when we repent and return to our first love. Our first love was to love the Lord with all our heart, soul and strength. What happened on the way was that we compromised with our flesh and so began to walk according to our fleshy desires. God desires that we be hot or cold not lukewarm. Today let us return to our first love and walk according to the Spirit and manifest the fruits of the Spirit.

Photo by Eternal Happiness on

I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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