Prayer is a two-way communication between God and us. Most of the time we pray asking God to meet our needs or pray for the needs of others. We are almost begging God to be merciful and to be the answer to our need. However our prayers are so focused on our need that we forget that God wants a relationship with us rather than being an ATM machine. We treat God as if He is a machine who can cough up what we beg Him to do for us. This is where we have missed the point of Jesus’ teaching on prayer. He taught us how to pray and said, “Our Father”. This is the sound of a son calling on His Father. This is a relationship where God the Father is listening to His Son. There is no begging for things but a sound of worship.
Relationship is different from taking cash out at an ATM machine. Relationship involves trust. My Father knows my needs even before I ask Him. He will provide for my needs. He already knows my needs, I just have to pray for the needs of others. Praying for our needs means we doubt if God loves us. It is a relationship where doubt prevails rather than trust. We don’t have to remind God everyday of our needs but rather say thank you Lord for answering our prayers for all that we need. He is our Provider, Healer, Protector and Friend.
Once you know God as the all-sufficient One then you will trust Him for everything. You will stop telling God your problems. You will seek to know what His will is and thank Him for the answer. If your need is healing then you will pray as if you are already healed. If it is a promotion then you will pray as if you are already promoted. Confidently praying the answer knowing it is God’s will to heal, provide and protect opens the heavens to provide from His resources in Heaven. Try this and see how your prayer time changes from asking to thanking Him for all His answers. Amen.