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Seeing With Spiritual Eyes

By October 1, 2024No Comments

The Lord is your Saviour and your Maker. He knows everything about you. He has put His own Spirit within you. Now be filled and be possessed by His Spirit. This is your destiny and in this is your desire and hope. To be possessed by the Holy Spirit is to be set apart for Him and His works. He will manifest Himself through you by working through you. You will marvel at His works and give Him all the glory. Everything is an illusion for there is nothing real in what you see. It will be gone forever. What you see is what you see. Behind what you see is another reality of the spirit world you do not see. When you begin to see in the spirit then what you see in the physical changes. This transformation enables you to do what you see the Father doing. This is what He did. He saw His Father doing and He followed Him. No more thinking and analyzing, just doing what you see the Father doing. This is how you are meant to live but the flesh wants to be in control. Therefore you lead a life of the flesh and not of the Spirit. Open my eyes Lord that I may see you and do what I see you do.


I was a Consultant Psychiatrist with over 40 years of practice. I havet ried to integrate my learnings in Psychiatry with Spirituality. I have a Doctorate in Bible and Theology.

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